Entangled Media Histories

A research network for European media historians since 2013

Articles by Jarlbrink and Wagner in the journal Media History

14580938810_77b46a047e_kWe are happy to announce that two of the latest articles in the academic journal Media History are written by EMHIS scholars Hans-Ulrich Wagner and Johan Jarlbrink. Wagner writes about the transfer of the BBC public service model to Northern Germany in the early postwar era, while Jarlbrink explores the small journalistic tools, norms and roles in terms of mobile and sedentary news work around 1900 and 2000. The articles could be accessed here:

“Mobile/sedentery: News work behind and beyond the desk”

“Repatriated Germans and ‘British Spirit’: The transfer of public service broadcasting to northern post-war Germany (1945–1950)”

May 9, 2015

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