Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to publish a series of six video clips on this website, which feature individual and joint research projects by EMHIS members. Through these videos, we want to show the variety of themes, questions and approaches of studying media history with regard to forms of entanglement that are discussed by the EMHIS network.
The clips are part of an audiovisual experiment that has been initiated for EMHIS by Gloria Khamkar, PhD researcher at the Centre for Media History at Bournemouth University, Alina Tiews, PhD student and researcher at the Hans-Bredow-Institute in Hamburg, and Christoph Hilgert, postdoctoral research fellow at the Hans-Bredow-Institute in Hamburg.
The idea is to present ongoing or recently accomplished research done by the EMHIS members not only in the traditional way of written articles, but also in an audiovisual form. We aim to produce forms of more elaborated videos or audiovisual essays in the future.
The forthcoming six videos were filmed at the Miramar Hotel during the EMHIS Forum IV in Bournemouth in May 2015. Gloria Khamkar and Roger Shufflebottom (Technical Tutor) at the Media School of Bournemouth University did the post-production.
Each scholar is talking on three main subjects in their respective video clip: the topic of the research project, the methodology, and the respective key findings.
Please forgive us possible shortcomings in the way the clips are arranged. We hope that you will have as much fun watching these video clips as we had shooting and producing them!
Gloria, Alina & Christoph