Entangled Media Histories

A research network for European media historians since 2013

EMHIS VIII coming up on 14–16 May

This week, the EMHIS network members are finishing up their presentations for the upcoming EMHIS Forum VIII, which will take place 14–16 of May, 2019, at the beautiful Gregynog Hall outside Newtown in Wales. A theme for our forum this time is “challenges”. We are grateful to our host, Jamie Medhurst at the University of Aberystwyth, who is the main organizer of the event!

On the first day, we will address challenges both in terms of  challenges for media history in general as well as coming challenges and new (ad)ventures for the EMHIS network. On the second day, each participant will present his or her own current challenge of a theoretical or methodological kind, bringing to the table a specific source or concrete problem.

A focus on the third day will be on digital media history and outreach. Our special guest and keynote this time will be Alexander Badenoch, who is an assistant professor in media and cultural studies at Utrecht University and also endowed professor of transnational media at Vrije Universieit Amsterdam. Alec is also part of the team from Transnational Radio Encounters (TRE) behind the award-winning streaming platform Radio Garden. We are delighted to have Alec with us – along with a number of new network members from Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Denmark and Lithuania!

EMHIS VIII will be our final network conference with funding from STINT’s Institutional Grant. We are ever so grateful to STINT for these first six years of funding, which has enabled no less than eight internal conferences, one international conference with an open call at Lund University 2016, plus a number of research exchanges between Lund, Hamburg and Bournemouth. The network is established and will move on. More information to come about this.

May 7, 2019

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Conferences EMHIS Fora