Since its launch in 2012, Bournemouth, and more recently, Aberystwyth universities have participated in EMHIS. Over the years we have attended and organised forums, co-authored journal articles, presented our work and enjoyed the friendship, hospitality and scholarship of our Swedish and German colleagues. Much of was paid for by the Swedish government’s STINT fund.
But now Britain has left the EU and there is a nationalist government in power. What that will mean practically time will tell but as the EMHIS British contingent we wanted to make a statement.
We are deeply committed to our European project. We enormously value our Swedish and German friends and all of our European colleagues. We celebrate the transnational, progressive, diverse, feminist and experimental project that is Entangled Media Histories and we will remain in Europe – in Lund, in Hamburg and absolutely opposed to the petty minded nationalism of Brexit.
Thank you EMHIS for welcoming us into your entangled European home and together lets prove that British scholars are better off in Europe than outside!
Hugh Chignell, Jamie Medhurst and Kristin Skoog