Entangled Media Histories

A research network for European media historians since 2013

Lecture with Andreas Fickers in Lund

Andreas Fickers — Professor of Contemporary and Digital History at Luxembourg University — who was a guest at EMHIS Forum 3 in Bournemouth in May is visiting The Film and Media history seminar next week.

From the abstract:

History as a field of enquiry is standing on the edge of a conceptual precipice. According to the British historian Toni Weller, historians need to be thinking about the radical impact of the digital turn in historiography and historical methodology in a critical and engaged manner. Yet the historical community remains surprisingly – or alarmingly –
silent when it comes to a critical reflection on the epistemological challenges of the digital turn. This lecture aims at addressing some of the key questions at stake and reflecting on how the digital affects the practice of doing history. Using the concept of ”trading zone”, current processes of disciplinary and methodological boundary work will be discussed in order to offer some preliminary theses about the actual state of hybridity in digital history.

Jutta Haider, Associate professor of Information studies
Thomas Kaiserfeld, Professor of History of ideas and sciences

Marie Cronqvist, Associate professor of Media history

The Film and Media history seminar is arranged by Media history at KOM and Film studies at SOL, Lund University.

February 7, 2015

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