Entangled Media Histories

A research network for European media historians since 2013

Stephanie Seul new member of the network

IMG_8886 - KopieStephanie Seul is a Lecturer in Media History at the Department of Cultural Studies (FB 9) of the University of Bremen, and a senior researcher at Deutsche Presseforschung, a research institute for press and media history. She was trained as a historian at the Universities of Munich and Cambridge (UK) and earned a Ph.D. from the European University Institute in Florence (Italy) with a thesis on Chamberlain’s appeasement policy and the British propaganda campaign directed at the German public. Her research focuses broadly on the history of transnational media and communication in the era of the two world wars, on the representation of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in the media; on the history of the BBC and British propaganda; on the German-Jewish press, and on female war correspondents during the First World War.

Recent publications include ‘A female war correspondent on the Italian front, 1915-1917: The Austrian travel journalist and photographer Alice Schalek.’ In: Journal of Modern Italian Studies (forthcoming 2016); Revisiting transnational broadcasting: The BBC’s foreign-language services during the Second World War. Special Issue of Media History 21,4 (2015), guest edited together with Nelson Ribeiro; ‘“Plain, unvarnished news”? The BBC German Service and British propaganda directed at Nazi Germany, 1938-1940.’ In: Media History 21,4 (2015); ‘Transnational Press Discourses on German Antisemitism during the Weimar Republic: The Riots in Berlin’s Scheunenviertel, 1923.’ In: Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 59 (2014); ‘“Herr Hitler’s Nazis Hear an Echo of World Opinion”. British and American press responses to Nazi anti-Semitism, September 1930 – April 1933.’ In: Politics, Religion & Ideology 14,3 (2013).

November 23, 2015

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